The students at St Mary's school in years 4-8 have access to a maths site called Mathsbuddy.
Each student in room 4 has been given a username and password.
We have free access to this site until the end of the year.
I would strongly recommend students take advantage of this opportunity.
Each student in room 4 has been given a username and password.
We have free access to this site until the end of the year.
I would strongly recommend students take advantage of this opportunity.
Here is some information about Mathsbuddy from their website:
Benefits of Maths Buddy
Gives student the freedom to study without stress, at home, in their own time, at
their own pace.
Students can catch up on lessons they missed or concepts they have not fully
Because maths concepts build upon each other, sometimes it's necessary for students
their own pace.
Students can catch up on lessons they missed or concepts they have not fully
Because maths concepts build upon each other, sometimes it's necessary for students
to go back and revise a particular concept before moving on to a new topic,
this can be done as every student has access to the entire Year 1 to 13 program curriculum.
Students can preview lessons at home before they take them at school.
Students can gain understanding and confidence especially in areas where they
Students can preview lessons at home before they take them at school.
Students can gain understanding and confidence especially in areas where they
struggled previously.
Students can complete the worksheets and interactive questions to test their understanding.
Students can complete the worksheets and interactive questions to test their understanding.
All of their results are recorded so that their progress can easily be seen.
Take the time to explore the resource yourself
We recommend that all parents take the time to explore the site, and familiarise
themselves with the student/tutorial interface by trying our free lessons.
This may well be your best spent 30 minutes in support of your child’s mathematics future.
themselves with the student/tutorial interface by trying our free lessons.
This may well be your best spent 30 minutes in support of your child’s mathematics future.
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